
Have you ever tried to visit a web page only to get the dreaded 404 error or another message, even though the site was working just fine an hour ago? You might be trying to determine if your favorite software and technology blog has crashed due to billions of page refreshes as we liveblog the launch of OS X Or maybe you're just trying to see if your own hosting company has dropped the ball. Either way, there's a service that can help.

Down for everyone or just me does one thing, and it does it well. Type a URL into the site, and you'll find out if the whole world is seeing what you're seeing. Easy as pie. You know, eating it, not making it. There's no info on the site explaining exactly how it checks to see if a site is up, but the results appear to be at least as accurate as emailing your friend and asking for a second opinion.

tht link for this cool site is