
Study .. Hours of sleep people back and the results serious health and psychological

Recent studies have indicated that a large proportion of people no longer get enough sleep, because of the rapid pace of life and increase the psychological pressure and physical suffering by the people below work and family concerns.

The experts involved in studies that lack of sleep, which means access to less than seven to nine hours a day, lead to weight gain and poor memory, stress, and to ignore the body after a need for more comfort, which increases the risk of future threats it.

The figures show the American center for the prevention of diseases that ten per cent of the population of the United States alone suffer from the problem of lack of access to enough hours of sleep.

Range of appropriate period of sleep between seven to nine hours a day, but a lot of people, especially those who suffer from the pressures of life and work, do not have access to more than six hours.

The experts consider that the optimal description of the situation experienced by the vast majority of human beings is a "partial sleep deprivation," and this is happening after the accumulation of hours of lost sleep during the week before arriving at the same stage "with the deprived part" with the disadvantaged in full at the end of the week.

According to the American Academy for the treatment of sleep, the sleep deprived of the memory begins to back down over time, also weakens the direct feedback, and increasing anxiety.

The lack of sleep may be largely responsible for the problems of overweight, as reports confirm that to ensure the excess over the demand for food.

The issue of the Academy to confirm many people the ability to only five or six hours of sleep only, pointing out that that may have future dangers, and the fact that the body begins to get used to the lack of sleep, and therefore fail to provide signals to alert the need to rest before the collapse of infection .

The experts provide advice to the group of long-sleep and health, the first not to do work requiring mental effort before going to sleep, because that causes nerve alert, and delay relaxation.

Also advised to listen to music 45 minutes of quiet before going to bed, but if the failure of one's sleep, it must not depend means traditionally used, such as staring at or thinking sleep, but to leave the bed and move to another room for a brief period.